Sunday 1 June 2014

week 9

-Week 9-

This is a banner ad by It is interesting and capturing attention because only 5 words were used in the banner ad, which is “Get to know your kopi”. The use of daily language of a Malaysian, “kopi”, makes the ad approach its audiences in a friendly way besides using conversational tone. This banner ad also encourage its audiences to interact with it just by rolling over the mouse. 

2.  (when mouse scroll over)
3. (pop-up that appears after clicking on banner ad)





After rolling though the banner ad, a pop up appears in the screen. The ad approach audiences by asking what types of coffee they like. This ad is very culture-based and locational because majority Malaysian likes coffee in their own ways. This pop-up interact with their audiences as the audiences pick their choices, there are different results appear. After the result is shown, there are places that are recommended for the coffee that audiences prefer. This shows that is a very knowledgeable and trustworthy website that knows a lot about travelling, food and so on, even they know how to find you your favourite coffee. The visual of the ad is very attractive, it makes people wanted to know more about it. In the pop-up, after telling audiences the recommended place for their favourite coffee, the line “Best-nya kopi! Let Expedia bring you there” shows that Expedia is a travel-related organisation that helps travellers to organise their travel schedules, transportations and accommodations. Also, this ad is good in the aspect that before audiences leaving the pop-up of closing it, a information box appears asking whether audiences like to find out more, this is calling for action among audiences to log on to their website. 

8. (warning box/ information box before closing pop-up ad)

- written by Tiffany Tan Pei Ling -

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