Friday 27 June 2014

Posts regarding print ads that are deemed ethical in its approach

There have been a controversy of using palm oil product in Loccitane ingredient list. It is believe that harvest of palm oil will effect the biodiversity.Intensive oil palm farming can lead to the destruction of tropical forests and endanger certain animal species. This is already the case in some areas of Indonesia and Malaysia. However , Loccitane have defended this statement by applying ethical approach by saying "The production of this oil allows hundreds of thousands of farmers in Asia and Africa to earn a living. Boycotting palm oil would clearly have major repercussions on the standard of living of these farmers and their families."Other than that , they also stated "Bearing in mind the amounts of oil consumed and the hectares of oil palm trees cultivated, replacing palm oil with another oil would only shift the problem of deforestation to other crops, such as soy or copra. " It is difficult to remove or replace the palm oil in cosmetic formulas. In the end is up to you to judge if Loccitane have did a great ethical approach to the environment and our future.

Subway have launch its biggest Kids Marketing effort, Subway have join the partnership of Healthier America which under the collaboration of First Lady Michelle Obama. Subway have focused on increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among kids. Subway Chief said 'our goal is not to just increase veggie consumption, but trying to get kids to want to order veggies".Last year, Centre for Science in the Public Interest conducted a study of kids meals and found that 97% of kids meals at top U.S. restaurant chains do not meet its nutritional criteria. The only chain that did is Subway. Subway, which began offering kids meals in 2007, said its kids meals will meet guidelines set by federal nutritional standards for the national school lunch program, which means the meals will be no more than 600 calories, will have no artificial trans fat, will have less than 10% of calories from saturated fat and less than 935 milligrams of sodium. The meals will also provide a serving each of fruit and vegetables, as well as non-fat milk or water. The chain said it will also work to develop bread options that meet dietary guidelines.


Reflect on what you deem most eye-opening regarding ethical approaches to copywriting

             Base on my opinion ethical approaches in copy writing are very important in the society. There are many people out there that fall for an advertising trick easily. But many company only care about their profits more than any ethical approaches towards their consumer. For example many facial wash product out there that promotes their product as natural facial wash but yet their product contains many dangerous ingredient that might cause dangerous disease like cancer in the long run. Many uneducated customer will not check the ingredient list before they buying their facial product. Example of dangerous ingredients are like paraben , fragrance and synthetic colours. Huffington Post stated that "Parabens are widely used preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and yeast in cosmetic products. They do more than that. Parabens possess estrogen-mimicking properties that are associated with increased risk of breast cancer. These chemicals are absorbed through the skin and have been identified in biopsy samples from breast tumors." Luckily there are many association out there that are fighting for consumer safety and health. But in Malaysia our safety and health awareness are consider low compare to other country. 

Written by Loo Shyang huei (Jason) 0302122

Thursday 12 June 2014

Week 11 - Reflection

5 tips for writing a good press release.

 1. Good headline.
The most important thing in a press release is a strong headline. It will pull in journalists seeking good stories. Your headline should be as attractive and accurate.
2. The very important first paragraph.
Reporters will only read the first sentence and scan the rest. So, the first paragraph is very important for you to get put in every important point should be talked in the first few sentences. Besides that, one sentence max length is 25 words.

3. Only one page
As with most good writing, shorter is usually better. Limit yourself to one page, though two pages are acceptable. This will also force you to shorten your most significant information into a more readable document.

4. Spelling and grammar
Always check the text several times for typos and grammar mistakes and it will make you look unprofessional if there are mistakes in your press release. And after you are happy that there are no mistakes, ask someone else to double check.

5. Who to target?
Targeting the media who cover what you write about is not just important, but means less wasted time for you and the editors. Besides that, nowadays don’t just think print publications, but also websites, e-magazines and blogs. So, you have to know who to target and to use different writing style to approach them.

1. Zach Cutler: 8 Tips for Writing a Great Press Release. 2014. [ONLINE] Available at: at: [Accessed on 12 June 2014].

2. 7 Tips for Writing a Killer Press Release | . 2014. 7 Tips for Writing a Killer Press Release | . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 July 2014].

3. 10 Essential Tips for Writing Press Releases | Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). 2014. 10 Essential Tips for Writing Press Releases | Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 July 2014].

 written by: Chow Yee Chian

week 11 - best image advertising ads

Fedex - America

Fedex - Europe

Fedex - Asia

When I first saw this ad, I didn’t get the message. But when I see it carefully, I realised the illustration and also the message. First, I want to start with their brand name - Fedex, you can see clearly, there is a arrow in between e and x, and they made the different color between fed and ex, to let people realise on the arrow. This idea was brilliant!

Moreover, the ad is really attractive and creative as well. They paint the wall to a map for two countries, it show the parcel moving faster from one place to another. They want to bring out the message that is their pos express is faster like you pass the parcel to your neighbour.

Other than that, there is only logo of the company on the right hand side, but if you could realise that, there is actually a call to action on the left hand side. Although there is no headline or tagline or any other information for their company, but the message is really strong enough to reach the audiences, if you really pay attention to the ad.

Moreover, there are total 3 ads from Fedex neighbour; actually they are linking from Europe to Asia and to America. So, audience can see that Fedex is worldwide; you could pos your thing to wherever you want.

I really love this ad so much; it is really a creative brilliant idea for me.

Written  by: Chow Yee Chian :) 

week 11 - best image advertising ads

This is one of my favourite ad also one of the best ad that I have encountered, it is an anti smoking ads – Brown/Blonde from CONAC Chilean Corporation Against Cancer. Most of the smokers will not think of their future, they smoke whenever they want to smoke, to release stress or social smoking. They are smart; they will bring out "their future" to wake them up, to let them know smoking will actually hurt their love ones. People who are surrounding the smoker, they will breathe in the secondhand smoke from them. Besides that, it will also influences their baby in the future.

Moreover, I like the headline of this ad as well. “Smoking isn’t just suicide, it is murder.” As everyone know, smokers will die faster than non-smokers, and also will caused lung cancer, emphysema and get strokes easily. But, all of these are for the smoker themselves; it is considered they are commit suicide. Furthermore, it's also murder, it will kill the people surrounding them by breathe in the secondhand smoke.

Other than that, based on the illustration of the ad. The innocent children suffering appealing to the smoker, it is really brutal, I believed that the target audience who is really love their kids or think of it twice, they would quit smoking. Although this ad not really helpful enough for smoker to quit smoking, but its really bring out the message to the audience.

Written  by: Chow Yee Chian :) 

Friday 6 June 2014

Week 10 - Reflection

How to create an engaging and successful fundraising letter?

The company or organization must be stated because some non-profit organization gives more trust for readers. For writing a fundraising letter, we must consider the tone and size. The tone can be positive, friendly and engaging, so readers feel like they know us. Make sure to give readers the opportunity to feel an emotional connection so they are compelled to help. Because fundraising letter needs emotional impact to motivate people to feel and help.

The message of fundraising event must be state clearly in the letter, strong message can encourage more respond. We must focus on one objective by identifying the major purpose of our fundraising event. Moreover, headlines is one of the main thing that captures reader’s attention. Headline can be written in bold statement or throw a question. Some good headlines creates curiosity that can pull the readers to read more.

Body copy should provide features, benefits about the fundraising service. It can be in two-way, what can we do to help others? Or what can we benefit from the fundraising. For example, “With your help, we hope to save more people in Africa”. Fundraising letter can also provide what fun activities will be happening on that day. The amount of words must be brief and clear, however, the information about fundraising must be in detail. Location, Time, Date, email, and phone numbers must be emphasized.

For fundraising letter, colourful design does not work all the time. We should just keep it simple, white background, sharp words, which might help even more.

                             WRITTEN BY CHELSEA NG LI YE