Saturday 17 May 2014

Week 7 - Reflection

Good elements of a radio commercial

From our point of view, most radio ads with music is more memorable, such as POP soda drinks and YORK cooling-king air-con. Their jingles, rhythm and lyrics are easy to remember, and audiences will sing along. The lyrics must be sing clearly and pitch perfect. Besides that, the name of the brand product must be repeated at least 3 times, so the audiences will always know what is the radio ads for. It has to deliver meaningful content but not just talking nonsense or keep promoting the product. Producer have to know the audiences' needs and interests, then focus on it to grab attention and activates their purchase action. A good radio commercial engage with listeners so that they can identify with the characters, situations, and events. Next, the messages must be match with the expectation of the audiences from the radio commercial. If the radio commercial highly recommend the product's characteristics, then the audiences will expect the high quality of that particular product.

Written by Lim Mei Chwen 0302701

Friday 16 May 2014

Week 7 - TVC 2

This ad give the audiences an unexpected storyline. It is creatively presented. At the beginning, the first thought would be the fish will be eaten. This grabs the attention of the audiences as they would like to know whether their guess is correct or not. But in the end, surprisingly the fish barked and the cat ran away. This ad brings message to the audiences directly that language is very important, and we can learn at Ukraine Arsenal. It encourages people to learn more language in a way to have a better life.

Written by Lim Mei Chwen 0302701 

Week 7 - TVC 1

This commercial grabbed audiences’ attention by using emotion effect. This ad hold interest of audiences to watch the full length of it. It is very touching where the concept of a deaf dumb dad tries to love and protect his daughter with 100% effort. Somehow, it also reminds us to care and love those who are very important in our lives. It shows that, love will never be beaten down in any condition, such as insurance will back you up always. So, Thai Life Insurance had done a great job in attracting consumers’ to take action for take care for our love ones. 

Written by Lim Mei Chwen 0302701

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Week 6

This is a coffee mate print ad. Rebus layout is used in this ads. I like this print ads because they used image in between the text. We can have fun with the ads buy guessing what is the images represent to what words. By thinking, the message of the ad registered in audiences' mind. Image can attract people easily and make it easier to be remembered. 

Written by Cecilia Chong 0301557

Monday 12 May 2014

Week 6

This iPhone 4S print ad has interesting writing styles and layout. The body copy of this ad has rhythm. They used assonance that start with " I ". This will make audience remember easily. The sentence and words they used is short and simple, this can ease the audience to understand. Apple's product name mostly start with " i ", e.g.: iPhone, iPod, iPad, iMac and etc. So, this tagline is suitable in this ads. When people see " i ", they will think of this ad and this product.

Written by Cecilia Chong 0301557

Week 6-Reflection

To write with style, we need to build on working vocabulary for our product or brand. We must work on with nouns, verbs and adjectives, slang and jargon, interesting ideas, facts and figures and the figure of speech. We must avoid the Thesaurus and look for the exact right words. Verbs move and persuade people and activate the ads. Many campaigns have active verbal constructions, for example “Eat Fresh”-Subway. When we add adjectives, we need to be selective. Advertising adjectives need to be just right. It must be clarifying, informative and full of intensity, resonate with the target audiences and it must be related to strategy. Besides, we need to organise our thinking. We should write and rewrite many times for the best ones. Good writing is based on good thinking. Evaluating the copy after creating is important for enhancement. We should always aiming at our target audiences, thinking in their point of view. To put a product in people's minds, we need rational appeal while to put a brand in instead, present an emotional appeal. Next, we need to think of themes and variations. Great advertising campaign have great theme. An ad theme should be focusing on the message that you want your audiences to remember. A copy's got rhythm: short, simple sentencrs, active verbs and positive attitude, parallel construction, alliteration, assonance and rhyme, and puns, double meanings and word play.

Written by Cecilia Chong 0301557

Sunday 4 May 2014

Week 5 - Reflection

 Five points about bad/ uneffective body copy and layout of a print ad
           1) Bad headlines that create different meaning or hard to understand from the original 


           2) Misspelling and grammar error in an ads that create confusion to the audience. 

           3) One of the ineffective layout of a print ads is lazy art direction. They may include a 
wrong picture or images that create a wrong desire to the audience. For example ads below
 show no romance at all. A couple should have be in the images.

           4) The design of the layout is too simple and not interesting ,the white background is not suitable for a ads that trying to attract couple to their resort. 

           5) The images in the ads show no adventure at all. There is no nice scenery to attract people attention.

Written by  : Loo Shyang Huei 0302122

Week 5

                      The ads above can grab audience attention from the images of ants avoiding the lollipop. People were interested why do the ants avoid a lollipop that cover with sugar.
After the ads have build interest with the audience , the ads let the customer understand the images with the sentence 'it's sugar free'. People who are health conscious will take action to buy the lollipop. 

Written by  : Loo Shyang Huei 0302122

Week 5

               No matter how good a advertisement is , it will never able to sell if is fail to grab people attention.The ads above are very appealing and able to grab my attention when i am browsing the Internet. This images is powerful enough to attract people eyes with the creative combination of punch and tattoo. Without wasting your attention life span , they further explain their ads with short and simple sentence.The font and colours of the explanation are interesting. Move on with Desire, the ads above change the desire of people by showing the consequences of drink and drive from the two car colliding and the pain on the face. The credibility part triggers our intention and converts it into action. The final part comes down to Action. Audience already understand the messages from this advertisement and they ready to take action if they want to avoid accident. 

Loo Shyang Huei 0302122